Title: » Luke's Army Exposing Child Protection « (click to visit this website)
URL: http://www.lukesarmy.com/ [Broken Link? Please Let Us Know]
Listed in the following Categories: - Abuse
Description: Luke's Army offers support, advice, useful links and information to parents, children and families dealing with child protection departments in Canada, Australia, United States and United Kingdom where Child protection is seriously failing and there is little support for parents whose child or children have been removed by the child protection authorities. Help expose child protection corruption by putting your child safety experience on the site. Also a support network for foster carers having difficulties with the child protection authorities. Luke's Army is named after Luke Boruseiewicz who died aged two in foster care. The average age of children who die in foster care is 4 and under.
Listing Added: 2012-08-23 22:27:23
Web Archives: Wayback Machine
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